The Next Act Routine
Original Choreography, January 2016
Named after our favourite local pub, “The Next Act”, Sydney Alessandrini and I choreographed a unique number that is chill, very rhythmic, and reminiscent of vintage jazz movements & styling. The song is D.B. Blues (1945) by Lester Young. This routine was first performed at Sugar Swing’s Tea Time Cabaret on January 23, 2016.
Sugar Swing Teacher’s Performance
New Year’s Eve, December 31 2015
I choreographed the team parts, with assistance from Sydney and my fantastic staff. As we didn’t have a lot of time to prepare, we merely had three one-and-a-half hour rehearsals to put it together in 4 days. Not bad for three rehearsals, I must say!
Partnered “Keep Punchin” Big Apple Contest
Original Choreography, October 2015
Sydney and I put this routine together in just over a week! We took the Big Apple Contest that Lindyhoppers know and love, and made it into a partnered routine. A month later we performed it at Edmonton’s annual Lindy Harvest, 2015. This work was probably the most difficult to date; the Big Apple is tricky enough as-is, and then to make it into a partnered routine while preserving those rhythms is even harder. Choreo credit also goes to Hanna and Mattias Lundmark (Sweden) for developing about 1/4 of this routine.
Lindybout “So You Think You Can Lindybout”
Contest Finals, April 2015 (Champions)
Krystal and I won the “So You Think You Can Lindybout” contest at Lindybout in April 2015. This contest tested our skills in four distinct dances – Charleston, Balboa, Slow Drags, and Lindy Hop. This was a trying contest, but quite fun!
Maple Leaf Syncopation Nation
Frankie Manning Tribute, April and May 2014
I was proud to be part of a 12-person all-Canadian dancers routine in 2014 at both Lindybout (Vancouver) and later at Canadian Swing Championships (Montreal) in 2014. It was a fun project! We literally had to put together the formations within 2 hours.
Lindybout “Old Timey Dancing”
Contest Finals, April 2014 (Finalists)
Krystal and I were pleased to be make the finals of this tricky contest involving predominantly pre-swing dancing (Slow Drags, Charleston, Cakewalk).